Superfun! Smoothie Series: Matcha Spirulina Cloud Smoothie
This easy and healthy smoothie's beautiful blue hue comes from our Matcha Lemonade blend. Made with spirulina and matcha, this gorgeous blue colour makes for a perfect "cloud smoothie". This is a great breakfast smoothie option thanks to a clean energy boost from Matcha green tea!
Superfun! sugar-free instant drink powders are super versatile! Lattes, smoothies, iced teas, hot teas, flavoured ice cubes are more! Keep an eye out for more in our #superfunsmoothieseries

Make a Superfun! Cloud Smoothie with us! ☁️
💙 Create Greek yogurt "clouds" on the sides of your glass.
💙 Blend one stick pack Matcha Lemonade with 2 frozen bananas, heaping spoonful Greek yogurt and milk of your choice!
💙 Add protein powder or collagen powder if you'd like for some extra benefits

Matcha is made up of stone ground green tea leaves. It contains 10-15 times the nutrients found in brewed tea leaves, and contains a high level of antioxidants. With it’s magical combo of L-Theanine and caffeine, Matcha is known to slowly boost and sustain energy, aid in metabolism, and reduce stress.
Spirulina is a nutrient-packed superfood powerhouse. A form of blue-green algae, it contains protein, vitamins, and antioxidants, and is a champion in supporting immune function, reducing inflammation, and promoting overall vitality.